Top 5 of the busiest airports in the former Soviet Central Asian Countries & Mongolia - 2014 statistics

Welcome to the Top 5 of the busiest airports in the former Soviet Central Asia & Mongolia! You can find some information about each airport by just clicking the name of the airport. This statistics are from 2014, but as soon as possible after New Year when 2015 statistics will be published in the internet, we will publish them in here as well.

Please note that some of the airports' statistics were not recorded in 2014, so we are sorry but we don't have any data for their 2014 statistics.

1. Place. 2.Name. 3.Location. 4.Total number of passengers passed through the year 2014. 5. IATA/ICAO Code. 6. Change by place comparing to the last year.
1. 1st 2. Almaty International Airport. 3. Almaty, Kazakhstan. 4. 4,589,000. 5. ALA/UAAA . 6. Stayed 1st comparing to the last year.
1. 2nd 2. Tashkent International Airport. 3. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 4. 2,996,000 (2012 statistics). 5. TAS/UTTT . 6. NO INFO
1. 3rd 2. Astana International Airport. 3. Astana, Kazakhstan. 4. 2,960,181. 5. TSE/UACC. 6. Stayed 3rd comparing to the last year.
1. 4th 2. Manas International Airport (serves Bishkek). 3. Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. 4.1,679,800 . 5. FRU/UCFM. 6. Stayed 4th comparing to the last year.
1. 5th 2. Saparmurat Turkmenbasy International Airport (serves Ashgabat). 3. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. 4. around 1,500,000 (2013 statistics). 5. ASB/UTAA. 6. NO INFO


Top 10 Busiest Airports in the world 2014
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